
Lake view in Hokkaido
Pink sunset by the lake in Hokkaido
Emotive sunset by the lake
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Everything is energy

I came to a pivotal realization: my frustration with myself was coming from within. However, I needed a few more steps before a full paradigm shift could take place.

Immediately after my recovery, I still thought my poor diet was the problem. I started reviewing my diet, researching online, and reading books. I also began exercising and taking Spanish lessons, believing that keeping my diet in check and doing things I enjoyed would make everything right.

I took up yoga, joined a flamenco class, and continued my Spanish lessons, meeting new people along the way. Despite these positive changes, I felt increasingly unfulfilled.

Why wasn’t I feeling better?

New frustrations arose. The problem wasn’t with the activities themselves but with choosing them based on logic rather than my heart.

This realization brought me back to the insight I gained during my month of bed rest: negative feelings stem from within. This led to a crucial paradigm shift.

I began investigating the root causes of my illness and discovered energy healing. By learning about frequency and emotional energy, I realized I could transform my inner state.

Energy work intrigued me, and in 2015, two years after becoming a certified practitioner, I was invited by the Sanoviv Medical Institute in Mexico to help integrate energy healing into their treatments. I contributed by aligning patients’ energies to enhance their healing processes.

Energy healing targets the foundational energy that needs to be in a natural state for overall well-being. Whether your goal is to get fit, pursue your passions, or build strong relationships, the first step is to clear and realign your foundational energy.

Today, I work with clients worldwide.

Book your session today!

Kaeko in three words….


Art has been a part of my life since childhood, and recently, I’ve developed a passion for creating portraits with pastels.

In my work, I use a vibrant array of colors—not only those I see but also those I feel.


Through the universal energy, I communicate and connect with everything at different levels.

And I enjoy that 😊


I love exploring nature, visiting new places, meeting new people, and learning new things.

I look forward to getting to know you! 😆


Energy Healer, Body Code®, Emotion Code®, Access Bars®

External energy healer at Sanoviv Medical Institute.

Born in Japan.

Loves traveling, making art, nature, photography and learning languages.

Relocated back to Japan - 2021~
External Energy Healer at Sanoviv Institute , Mexico-  2015〜
Open a virtual energy healing practice –  2014~
Certified Emotion Code®, Body Code® - 2013
Art Teacher at an independent school - 2003-2013
MA in Textiles Goldsmiths College, University of London -  2000
Moved to London, UK  - 1998
BA in Textile Design Kyoto Seika University - 1998