Lake view in Hokkaido
Pink sunset by the lake in Hokkaido
Emotive sunset by the lake
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Clear your mind, body and spirit.

Private Energy Healing Consultation by Kaeko

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Clear your mind, body and spirit.

Private Energy Healing Consultation by Kaeko

Body Code®

It is a form of energy healing, which deals with balancing the body in these different aspects – emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens, and toxicity.

It is a sophisticated and complete method of body balancing.

Slide 3
Clear your mind, body and spirit.

Private Energy Healing Consultation by Kaeko

Emotion Code®

It is a form of energy work to help enable people to get rid of their emotional baggage.

It works to identify and release trapped emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events.

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Embrace who you are

Hello! My name is Kaeko Nakagawa.

I am an energy worker, offering private sessions worldwide since 2013.

My focus is on helping individuals achieve their personal goals through energy healing, guided meditation, and simple breathing techniques.

These tools assist people in releasing energetic blockages and overcoming subconscious beliefs.

My journey into energy healing began in 2012, but it all started in 2009 when I fell ill.

At that time, I realised that my health issues stemmed from not living authentically.

I had been making choices that didn’t align with my true self, ignoring what my heart was telling me, until my illness forced me to confront this.

I wondered, “What would my life be like if I lived from my heart?”

However, when I attempted to make choices from my heart, it felt strange and awkward, as if I didn’t know who I was.

It was during this period of introspection that I discovered energy healing. This practice helped me reconnect with the world I had always known but had lost touch with.

Start feeling good about yourself

What does it mean to be me?

I began reviewing my diet and soon realised that the root cause of my ill health was not living in alignment with my true self.

But what does that mean?

Have you ever tried to connect with your true self and felt completely lost?

That’s how I felt—I no longer knew who I was.

As I faced this confusion, I started to understand that the discomfort came from not allowing myself to be my authentic self.

Thoughts like:

  • “No one understands me.”
  • “If I share my true feelings, I won’t be loved.”

These self-doubts, feelings of separation, and insecurities are not our natural state.

So, how aware are you of your own feelings?

Are you allergic to your feelings?

It’s not about whether you can or can’t feel your emotions.

The issue is that we often stop valuing our feelings as important.

How frequently do we make choices against our true desires, even though our feelings are guiding us in a different direction?

This disconnection from our feelings is the real problem.

We often shut ourselves off from our emotions when we most need to experience them, such as during grief, anger, or heartache.

As a result, these heavy emotions become trapped.

In my sessions, I help release these trapped emotions and work towards achieving coherence between your heart and mind.

What is energy healing?

If you’re new to energy healing, you might be wondering what it entails.

Energy healing is the practice of tuning into the universal energy frequency that is the source of all life.

This universal energy represents the original, natural state of energy.

To me, energy healing is akin to speaking a different language.

Just as HTML is a language used to create documents for web browsers, energy healing functions as a language for understanding and interacting with energy.

What does your symptom speak to you?

From an energy healing perspective, symptoms that appear in the body are often the result of long-standing energetic inflammation or a disconnection between the heart and mind.

What is the story behind these symptoms?
What is the symptom trying to tell us?

Symptoms signal that change has begun at a visible level, but the process started much earlier at an invisible, energetic level.

Energy healing targets these root causes.

In 2015, I was invited to provide energy healing at the Sanoviv Medical Institute in Mexico.

There, I focused on releasing the emotional energy trapped at the roots to enhance the effectiveness of the treatments.

While energy healing is not a medical treatment nor a substitute for it, it addresses the underlying causes to support the body’s natural healing abilities.

What’s my client say:


30s recurring client

For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m heading for the right direction.


30s recurring client

You are my miracle worker!


40s first-time client

It was mind-blowing.


30s first-time client

I’ve never experienced the level of healing before.


50s recurring client

I felt the immediate change when the clearing started.


20s first-time client

Thank you for a really nice session. It was lovely to meet you.

My story

How I embarked on my inner healing journey.

How I come across energy healing

I first encountered energy healing in 2012, but my journey began in 2009 when I became ill.

It started with intense flu-like symptoms.

In the UK, it’s common to face difficulty getting a doctor’s appointment for anything beyond basic flu-like symptoms.

I had no option but to rely on over-the-counter cold remedies and care for myself at home.

Even now, I don’t know exactly what I was suffering from.

It took me about a month to recover.

Having never experienced a serious illness or injury before, this was my first encounter with being bedridden for such an extended period.

I was shocked by how impatient and frustrated I felt during those days.

Before this experience, I had always believed that negative judgments and emotions came from outside influences rather than from within myself.