Embracing Life

Lake view in Hokkaido
Pink sunset by the lake in Hokkaido
autumn roll
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Embracing Life

Watching the sun setting by the beach.

How Joy and Fulfillment Can Influence Health

When we talk about illness, particularly serious conditions like cancer, it’s easy to find common threads in the stories of those who are affected. Many people I’ve spoken to who have faced such challenges share narratives of difficult childhoods, traumatic experiences, or ongoing struggles. It’s natural to wonder about the connection between these life circumstances and the onset of illness.

However, what strikes me as equally significant is the role that joy and fulfillment play in our health. It’s not just about what happens to us, but how we respond to it. Here’s a perspective that’s worth considering: while not everyone with a challenging past develops illness, those who thrive often share a common trait—they actively seek and savor moments of joy.

The Role of Joy in Health

Our ability to enjoy life and engage in activities that bring us happiness can be more than just a pleasant distraction—it might actually play a vital role in our well-being. Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that positive emotions and a sense of purpose can enhance our immune system, reduce stress, and enhance our overall resilience.

For instance, people who engage in hobbies they love, cultivate meaningful relationships, or find satisfaction in their work often report better health outcomes. This isn’t to say that these activities are a cure-all, but they do seem to contribute to a stronger sense of well-being, which can positively impact physical health.

Why Some Thrive and Others Struggle

The difference between those who face illness despite their past and those who seem to manage better might lie in their approach to life. Those who can find joy and purpose amidst their struggles often display a remarkable resilience. They embrace life with a sense of gratitude and curiosity, which helps them cope better with stress and adversity.

Conversely, persistent negative emotions, stress, and a lack of fulfillment can weaken our defenses and make us more susceptible to illness. It’s not merely the presence of difficulties but how we relate to them that can make a significant difference.

Cultivating Joy and Fulfillment

If you’re looking to enhance your own health, consider focusing on what brings you joy. Make time for activities that you love, nurture relationships that lift you up, and pursue passions that give you a sense of purpose. Even small steps toward cultivating happiness can have a profound effect on your well-being.

Remember, it’s not about denying or overlooking life’s challenges but about balancing them with moments of joy and fulfillment. By actively engaging in what makes you happy and fulfilled, you might not only enrich your life but also strengthen your overall health.


While we can’t always control our circumstances or predict health outcomes, we can influence our quality of life through the choices we make every day. Embracing joy, pursuing passions, and maintaining a positive outlook can be powerful tools in enhancing our health and well-being. So, take a moment to appreciate what makes you happy, and let that appreciation guide you toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Watching the sun setting by the beach.

Author: Kaeko

Kaeko Nakagawa

Energy Healer, Body Code®, Emotion Code®, Access Bars®
External energy healer at Sanoviv Medical Institute.
Born in Japan.
Loves traveling, making art, nature, photography and learning languages. more